Home Blog Updates Yakezie Update #1

Yakezie Update #1

If you’re not familiar with the Yakezie challenge, it is a challenge to get your blog into the top 200,000 in the Alexa rankings in 6 months. Additionally, Yakezie is about supporting other bloggers and selflessly promoting them.

Gen Y Finances joined the Yakezie challenge on February 23, 2012. It’s been just under a month, and Gen Y Finances has made a lot of progress! My initial Alexa ranking was 18,056,327 when I joined the challenge. As of today, my Alexa ranking is 731,538! I am very happy with the progress that I am making! I give all of the credit to Yakezie and the amazing bloggers that are part of that network. I hope to keep making progress on my Alexa ranking and obtain an Alexa ranking under 200,000 by August 23, 2012.

I have been pretty good about commenting on other blogs and that has contributed to an increase in traffic at Gen Y Finances. I hope to maintain this going forward. Also, I have been good about not posting TOO much. With my first blog, I got burnt out from trying to post way too much. I am trying to avoid that this time.

My biggest overall disappointment with Gen Y Finances right now is not getting any search traffic from Google. I have started to get some search traffic, but it is from Bing and Yahoo (Seriously, Bing and Yahoo??) I’m not exactly sure why, but I need to start posting some better content with specific keywords targeted!

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