Home Personal Finance Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome To My Blog!

Hi Everyone! I’m Dave and this is my first post at my new blog Gen Y Finances.  This is actually the second blog that I started. I started a blog back in February of 2011, but decided to sell it mid-year because of some personal problems and time constraints.  However, I’m back and ready to blog again.  I will try to cover a wide range of topics on this blog related to Generation Y.  The topics will cover personal finance, investing, business school, technology, sports, gardening, and a variety of other subjects.

One of the staples of the blog that you will see on a monthly basis will be my personal balance sheet showing the progress of my net worth over time.  Additionally, I will share my blog stats on a monthly basis with data that I receive from Google Analytics.  If at some point in the future the blog becomes profitable, I will share monthly blog income as well.

Although I chose to name this as personal finance blog, I want to just keep the blog open to anything that is on my mind.   I hope that you will find the blog interesting and interact with me in coming months.


Hi Everyone! I’m Dave and this is my first post at my new blog Gen Y Finances.  This is actually the second blog that I started. I started a blog back in February of 2011, but decided to sell it mid-year because of some personal problems and time constraints.  However, I’m back and ready to blog again.  I will try to cover a wide range of topics on this blog related to Generation Y.  The topics will cover personal finance, investing, business school, technology, sports, gardening, and a variety of other subjects.  

One of the staples of the blog that you will see on a monthly basis will be my personal balance sheet showing the progress of my net worth over time.  Additionally, I will share my blog stats on a monthly basis with data that I receive from Google Analytics.  If at some point in the future the blog becomes profitable, I will share monthly blog income as well.  

Although I chose to name this as personal finance blog, I want to just keep the blog open to anything that is on my mind.   I hope that you will find the blog interesting and interact with me in coming months. 

Image Credit: Jason-Morrison

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