Home Business Wealth Planning: The Perfect Solution

Wealth Planning: The Perfect Solution

Wealth Planning: The Perfect Solution

wealth management

Businesses, families and individuals who have managed to accrue a substantial amount of wealth, are likely to have worked extremely hard to earn the money and that now they have it, they want to look after it. Domestic and international regulations can make protecting your wealth a rocky path to travel and for this reason, it makes good sense for you to have someone you can trust to advise and help you.

Someone You Can Trust

Whether you have a business concern that has generated a large amount of wealth or you have private wealth that needs managing, you will only want to entrust the process to professionals with a history of success and whose achievements are acknowledged throughout their industry. In short, you want the best. Withers Worldwide were founded in London in 1896 and the portfolios of clients for whom they act include many of the wealthiest businesses, families and individuals in the world. They offer a wide range of legal services including; banking and finance, funds, wealth structuring and philanthropy.

Wealth Planning

A good way of protecting and helping your wealth to grow is to invest a proportion of it, in a private equity fund for example. The financial industry is an intricate one and therefore it makes sense for you to liaise with a company that can facilitate investments, trust funds and other types of financial planning to the highest of standards. With liquidity comes a myriad of options and the best options are easier to uncover when you speak to people you are dealing with people similar to you everyday.
Property Investments

Investing in property, particularly in countries you aren’t native to, is something that needs careful legal consideration. Using a company who has offices worldwide will mean that people are dealing with your investment who are au fait with conveyance practices in the country in question and who have the experience to handle your investment in the best possible manner.


Naturally, when you are planning and actioning a wealth plan, you will be anxious to ensure that any tax implications are dealt with properly and as well as ensuring you aren’t paying too much tax, you will want to be assured that where appropriate you are making the required contributions. UK and international tax regulations are increasingly complex, the UK’s tax code alone is over 17,000 pages long and so the use of experts is essential if you are to mitigate the impact tax can have on your wealth and that of the generations that follow you.

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