
Well it has been a long time since I posted anything on the blog, and I hope that I can change that going forward. I did want to just write a short update of why I haven’t been posting.  It’s been tough to find some free time in the last few months to take care of the blog.  Here is a rundown of what has been going on in the last few months:

1)      At the end of June, I purchased a house.  This was both a huge financial commitment and time commitment.  I’ve spent a lot of time doing repairs in the house and then painting the entire house. As a first time home owner, I didn’t realize how much work there is to do outside the house too!

2)      Shortly after buying the house, I started business school part-time at Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business. The school is amazing and challenging at the same time.  Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. It was really difficult to adjust to this schedule at first, but I am finally getting used to it.  I pretty much spend my Saturdays at Carnegie Mellon too because of group assignments and studying.  We actually just finished our first Mini (we have 2 classes every 7 weeks).  I had a probability and statistics class and financial and managerial accounting class.

It’s been a challenging and busy couple months, but I feel like I am finally getting organized.  A lot of the work with the house is done and I have more time to focus on school and work now.  Right now, I’m enjoying a week off before my next two classes start!

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