Home Personal Finance Researching a Loan

Researching a Loan

Researching a Loan


Before taking the plunge and agreeing to a substantial loan to, afford a new kitchen or an extension, it’s vital you spend enough time researching all possibilities or seek financial advice.

If you’ve decided a loan is the best option for your needs, then you’ll want to make the most of it. No matter how little or large the amount being borrowed, find the loan that fits your requirements and won’t leave you in a worse situation than before.


After deciding a loan is the way forward you’ll already know how much you intend to borrow and what it is going towards. Working out a budget is important at this point to determine where every bit of the loan will be used. You may even find that a loan isn’t necessary at this stage.

Check your credit rating as this is important when taking out a loan. When a loan is not required instantly you should have enough time to get it in good order. Knowing whether your credit rating is good or bad will determine the amount, interest level and type of loan available for your needs.

Different Loan Types

Unsecured, personal loans can be used to take out large amounts, though not as large compared to its secured alternative and the repayments will usually cover shorter periods. Certain companies offer other, more specific and tailored loans based on your situation and there is always the option of a credit card or overdraft facility.

Factors depending on what you intend to use a loan for, how much you need to borrow and how quickly you need it will point you in the right direction. If you are looking to borrow a large amount and want a long repayment schedule, second charge mortgages are an option but are only available to home owners, as the property is secured against the loan.


In your budget it should show how much you’ll be able to afford on repayments on a monthly and annual basis. Find a loan suitable for your needs and where meeting repayments will be affordable. Nemo’s second charge mortgage calculator provides an estimate of monthly repayments and the total cost based on how much is borrowed, at what rate and over what time period it’s repaid. Remember a Nemo loan is secured against your home so you must ensure you can afford the repayments or your home may be repossessed.

Thorough research should ensure the chosen loan meets your requirements and can be repaid on time without leading to additional costs.

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