College days

College days

College is a lifetime memory to add in your bucket of interesting events and memories. The variety of people, situations, encounters you get during your graduation years is so humongous that every day is worth mentioning in you diary. But with all the fun, night-outs, movies, food, assignments, exams, marks, fest, sports clubs and so on, there are certain things to follow when you begin this exciting journey of college. These are those important financial level to-dos which you realise quite later and wish you had begun while in your graduation years. So here are few things worth considering. Take a look:

  1. Be wise money wise: Whatever your financial condition be, this age is to try to learn to manage your funds. Use software or download an app to track down your monthly expenses and manage them right. Even though you may be getting enough pocket money but it is always a good sign to care for every penny. So be wise in spending and don’t while away, use it to fulfil your aspirations and gifting your loved ones rather than wasting it. Start to learn and do some sort of investing, like mutual funds. So by the end of your graduation you will have handsome amount to start anything or fund your trip or education or anything.
  2. Internships: this is the most important part of your graduation time. There are a lot of websites trying to provide opportunities of internships. Then there are the ones based on a work from home kind of model. So try your hand at few of them, earn money and experience as well. This will be of immense help you while giving your job interview.
  3. Skills: hobbies and skills are something which will last all your life and gather you tons of appreciation. And amidst those short or long online courses, offline classes, you could choose as per your and the market’s trend. This way you will the joy of harnessing your interest areas. Make it a habit to learn a or two skill per semester. Till you graduate you will observe the multi potential attitude in you.
  4. Competitions: apart from the inter-college competitions, there are a lot of sponsored competitions arranges by big tech giants. So engage in them for either solo or group performances. This will get you confidence, skills, recognition and money if you win those. These have the potent to unleash the hidden potential in you.
  5. Freelancing: Another interesting thing similar to internships. While the former will get you money while the latter is more inclined towards gaining experience. So engage in some or the other freelancing to get that professional work experience and ideas to your imagination.
  6. Fests/sponsors: Always try to be in the administrative group of the fest of your college. This has enormous potential to make you negotiate well, learn a lot of unique ideas to make things happen. Try to get sponsors. And arranging meetings, the communication with the managers and every little thing will make you get tons of knowledge.

So the graduating years could be much more than what you have been imagining. Whatever your stream be, try to be inclined more on the financial matters to learn while you are graduating.

Happy graduation!

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