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Category: Retirement

happy retirement

4 Rules of Thumb for a Happy Retirement

Are you already thinking about your retirement days? Will you be ready for the tough road ahead? Well. Retirement is not just about savings and investments. It also about making the best out of your twilight years. You have worked your whole life to achieve your goals. And now is the time to be with...

401k Plan

What To Do If Your Employer Doesn’t Offer a 401k Plan

“82 percent of millennial workers(age 21 to 34) are making contributions to the 401k plan” [1] Despite the popular belief, the new generation is very much interested and are active participants of the 401k plan. The 401k retirement plan is still one of the safest ways to save for the old age. It’s a powerful...


Do fixed deposits make sense for funding your retirement?

By profoundly secure it implies not at all like stocks and offers it doesn’t rely on market changes. Not just that FDs are guaranteed by the order of the RBI by up to Rs. 1,00,000 for a record. That implies that regardless of whether the money related foundation enters chapter 11 and still, at the...


Leading a Purposeful Life after Retirement!

The considerable conundrum of the brilliant years is that there is so much time, but so next to no of it. Retirement, all things considered, signals the last phase of life. It ordinarily occurs following 40 or more long stretches of work, after your kids are developed and after your home is satisfied. Thus, retirement...

How to Save Small and Finally Make it Huge

How to Save Small and Finally Make it Huge

Since you’re visiting this page, you’re either aspiring to start saving to purchase that dream car you just saw in a showroom on your way to your destination, or a student who’s given an assignment to write an essay on this topic, and you’re hoping to learn a thing or two from the sensei (me),...

3 Hacks for Early Retirement

3 Hacks for Early Retirement

A hack is a trick or a shortcut that is used to maximize the benefits of a procedure. They are not only an effective problem solver, but they also make the situation simpler and more fruitful. These hacks are used in various ventures in order to make them more productive and retirement is not an...


A Timeline For Retirement By Decade

Whether you have just finished university, are entering the middle years of your life, or are preparing to retire, it is important that you keep a keen eye on your pension investment, and knowing how and when you should be making appropriate moves will help you to plan ahead. Although it isn’t vital that you...


Four Tips To Save For Retirement

Retirement is something that pretty much everyone wants, correct? I’m going to assume that answer is yes. Whether you are 25 or 55 (or whatever your age is!), I’m sure retirement has crossed your mind at least once. Hopefully more than once but that’s a post for another day. Below are my 4 tips so...


3 businesses you can start in retirement

Retirement doesn’t have to be the end of your working life. If you are struggling to come to terms with the idea of having no routine to adhere to, or you are worried about making your savings stretch, then setting up your own business is the right path for you to take to reach retirement...

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