Home Landscaping

Category: Landscaping


Increasing Your Curb Appeal

If you are looking to sell your home for a higher price, have it sell more quickly, or to have more potential buyers stop by your open house, then your curb appeal is very important. Here are my tips to increase your curb appeal. Clean up your yard. When it comes to curb appeal, your...

How To Save Money By Meal Planning

How To Save Money By Meal Planning

One way that I try to save as much money as I can with my food expenses each month is by meal planning. Food is expensive. Many families spend somewhere between $500 to $1,000 a month on food, and some families spend much more than that. Here is how you can save money by meal...

Landscaping – Installing New Paver Walkway

Landscaping – Installing New Paver Walkway

I recently started a project to improve the landscaping in front of my house.  The first part of this process for me was installing a new paver walkway.  The previous owners had pavers setup around the front porch, but it was really awkward and didn’t really feel like a walkway.  To top it off, they...

Building a Grow Light Stand

Building a Grow Light Stand

It’s the time of the year that I start my vegetables by seed indoors. I have an indoor grow light that I use to grow my plants for a few months before transplanting them outside. I always start my plants by seed because I like to have full control and grow the varieties that I...