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Category: Credit Cards

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The 5 Best Travel Reward Credit Cards 2019

Getting a travel reward credit card is the quickest way to manage your finances while on the road. Everyone has their own reasons to travel. Some do it for business while others for pleasure. But, you always end up spending more if you don’t keep a track of your expenses. A travel rewards credit card...

credit card

5 Best Business Credit Building Hacks!

While each entrepreneur has a personal credit report, a few out of every odd business have a business credit report. A personal credit report is made the minute a person with a Standardized savings number acknowledges their first occupation or applies for their first type of financing. Be that as it may, a business credit...


Credit Cards Can Be a Good Thing

Credit cards often get a bad rap. They are blamed for all the financial evils in the world it seems. If a person is deep into debt then the first order of business is usually to cut up the credit cards! While I agree that the misuse of credit cards is quite rampant, that doesn’t...

How Financial Institutions Use Technology to Protect Customers

How Financial Institutions Use Technology to Protect Customers

By: Amanda Atcheson is Product Marketing Manager for CO-OP Financial Service In the 1980s and 1990s, credit cards were processed manually, with receipts using carbon copies for the retailer and input into a keypad later. This transitioned into a simple magnetic swipe through a keypad, with the swipe containing account information. However, while this method maximized...

Credit Card Debt Consolidation: A Step toward Financial Freedom

Credit Card Debt Consolidation: A Step toward Financial Freedom

Debt seems to be a major issue in most American households whether it has got to do with credit cards, post-divorce financial issues or medical bills. The average household in the US is known to carry about $16,000. Although the debt consolidation company advertisements convince you that eliminating debt is pretty easy and it is...


5 Tips To Manage Your Credit Cards

If you do not correctly manage your credit cards, then it may lead to credit card debt. Correctly manage your credit cards does not have to be hard. Below are five tips to correctly manage your credit cards. 1. Set up payment reminder. The first tip to correctly manage your credit card is to set up...

5 Common Credit Myths

5 Common Credit Myths

As a personal finance writer and a rewards credit card user, I often hear crazy credit myths from others. Many don’t fully understand how credit cards, credit, and debt work, and today I would like to share these common myths with you. 1. I make a good income so my credit score has to be...

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