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Category: Business

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn To Handle Finances On Your Own

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn To Handle Finances On Your Own

If you depend upon someone else for managing your money then you may never be able to learn to manage your funds. Instead of relying on others, take the charge. Learn to have fun and still save the money rather than blowing it off on your friends. Don’t depend on others for money related advices....

Technology Can Help Your Business Be Successful: Here’s How

Technology Can Help Your Business Be Successful: Here’s How

Technology is a big factor in the success of a business. It has helped businesses to achieve growth from unknown to known and has even helped to create a promising future without any boundary. Some business owners think that they can do everything by themselves, but this is just a myth. Technology is important in...


You Aren’t Your Boss When You Are the CEO of a Start-Up

When people think of being a boss, they think that it means not being answerable to anyone, but that is seldom the case. Your customers are your boss.  Your clients are your boss. Your deadlines are your boss. Your commitments are your boss. While working for yourself, you are responsible for everything. You can’t shift...


Understanding the Bitcoin Working Model

Blockchain has changed the way we perceive, process, and verify the information. The applications of the concept are still being explored in various industrial verticals. The most high-impact blockchain applications have been built on the Bitcoin model. So how does Bitcoin actually work? First of all, Bitcoin or any other currency in this domain is...


Understanding the Initial Coin Offering in Blockchain

With the blockchain buzz reaching a frenzied pitch, investors are scrambling their chips around various options to invest in cryptocurrency. With all this initial craziness, it’s hard to focus on what’s real enough to warrant an investment.  As far as start-ups are concerned, they have a whole new avenue to garner that highly elusive initial...


5 Inspirations For Building Your Own Business

Sometimes, you have to take a cue from your personal needs and then build a business around it. Having more than one source of income is not only a necessity but also a smart move. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for ways to minimize your debt or looking to make some extra cash....


5 Best Health Insurance Companies of 2019

Choosing a health insurance plan is never an easy task. First, you have to find out the reliable companies in your geographical location, study all the plans they have to offer, then finally select one that fulfills your health needs. Once you purchase the right plan, then begin the phase where you pay monthly/quarterly/yearly payment...


Be a Better Van Business Entrepreneur: Tips to Keep You Up and Running

The transportation business is one of the most lucrative trades there is. There are several types of transportation services to choose from. While some may require high capital such as air transport, others such as a moving van business require much less capital. This low entry barrier means you are likely to compete with a...


3 Reasons to Shop at Costco

As of March 2019, there are 770 Costco stores worldwide. Out of 770, 631 stores are located in the United States and Canada itself. It is growing at a rapid rate and soon will be able to compete against other megastores like Walmart and Target. For a frugal person, there are plenty of reasons to...

401k Plan

What To Do If Your Employer Doesn’t Offer a 401k Plan

“82 percent of millennial workers(age 21 to 34) are making contributions to the 401k plan” [1] Despite the popular belief, the new generation is very much interested and are active participants of the 401k plan. The 401k retirement plan is still one of the safest ways to save for the old age. It’s a powerful...

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