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Category: Balance Sheets


Ways That Being Cheap Could Cost You Money

Everyone has been cheap at some point in their life. Sometimes being cheap can save you money, but other times it may end up actually costing you money. Don’t you hate whenever that happens? Here are 10 ways when being cheap can actually cost you more money. Trying a new food product because it’s cheaper....


Learning How To Barter

Have you ever bartered for what you want? I have, and it has worked several times. Bartering is great because it can help me get a service or product that I want/need at a better price or even at an even exchange. It makes life so much more affordable, plus I make some great contacts...


Saving Money When Eating Out

If you are like me (or most of the population), then you probably like a good meal out every now and then. You can sit down, order your food, and it will be brought to you. Minimal work needs to be done by you (except for the actual driving part), which is nice! However, eating...


Cutting Your Cable TV Bill

Did you know that the average cable bill is around $90 per month? That’s over $1,000 a year! And, if you think $90 is a lot, I’ve also heard of many people who spend $200 or $300 a month. Whenever I hear $200 or $300 a month, I want to faint. I couldn’t imagine paying...