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Category: Balance Sheets

How To Save Money By Meal Planning

How To Save Money By Meal Planning

One way that I try to save as much money as I can with my food expenses each month is by meal planning. Food is expensive. Many families spend somewhere between $500 to $1,000 a month on food, and some families spend much more than that. Here is how you can save money by meal...

How To Become A Personal Trainer

How To Become A Personal Trainer

Becoming a personal trainer has been more and more popular in recent years. Just take a look around you, there are probably several gyms located near your home, and they are usually filled with personal trainers and wannabe personal trainers. Here are different things that you should think about if you are interested in becoming...

What Are No Spend Days?

What Are No Spend Days?

If you are a personal finance blogger are a personal finance blog reader, then I am sure you have heard of the term “no spend days.” Some don’t understand what this means, whereas others don’t think that they actually save you any money. Well, today we are here to talk all about no spend days....

How To Save Money On Your Wedding Reception

How To Save Money On Your Wedding Reception

Having a wedding is usually not very cheap. In fact, it’s probably one of the biggest expenses of your behind (usually behind buying a house and schooling). While the national average cost for a whole wedding is a little less than $30,000, I’m sure that if you are reading this blog that you probably want...

Craigslist Scams To Avoid

Craigslist Scams To Avoid

I am a constant Craigslist “browser,” but I have actually never bought or sold on the website. However, I know of many others who use Craigslist nearly every single month, and some even use it to buy and sell every week. Even though I have never used it for my own gain, I have seen...