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Category: Balance Sheets

What To Do If You’re Unemployed

What To Do If You’re Unemployed

Being unemployed can be a scary time. Whether you just got out of school, had to quit your last job, you were fired, you were laid off, or something else, you might be looking for a job. If you are currently unemployed, continue reading the below (in no particular order): Brush up your resume. The...

Is A Tiny House For You?

Is A Tiny House For You?

I recently watched a documentary about tiny homes, and I have also read many articles lately about them as well. They seem to becoming more and more popular each and every day, and today I would like to talk about them. A tiny home is typically less than 200 square feet. Sometimes they can get...

How To Drop Your Debt Fast

How To Drop Your Debt Fast

Too many people have too much debt right now. The average person has multiple credit cards that they don’t know how to properly use, they have astronomical amounts of credit card debt that seems to be out-of-control, they have student loans with terms that they don’t fully understand, and they might even be living car...