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Craigslist Scams To Avoid Part 2

Craigslist Scams To Avoid Part 2

Last year, I published the article Craigslist Scams To Avoid, and I knew I had to do a follow-up. There are just so many crazy Craigslist scams out there, so I want to keep you all informed. I am a constant Craigslist “browser,” but I have never actually bought or sold anything on the website....


Four Tips To Save For Retirement

Retirement is something that pretty much everyone wants, correct? I’m going to assume that answer is yes. Whether you are 25 or 55 (or whatever your age is!), I’m sure retirement has crossed your mind at least once. Hopefully more than once but that’s a post for another day. Below are my 4 tips so...


5 Ways To Lower Your Budget ASAP

Everyone’s been there. You realize that something needs to be paid for that you forgot about, or maybe an unexpected expense came up. If you don’t have the cash flow for it with your current budget, then you may need to do something to lower your budget immediately to make room for it. Not everything...

Advice Before You Buy a Home

Advice Before You Buy a Home

Before you really start getting into the home buying process, there are many things that you need to know. Buying a home is one of the biggest purchases that you will ever make (I can’t think of many things that would be bigger), and because of that you want to be careful with what you...

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