When you take all college expenses into account including tuition and accommodation, the grand total will usually add up to an intimidating figure. The unfortunate thing is that the majority cannot afford this. But just because you can’t afford it, it doesn’t mean you do not deserve it. After all, education is a right as...
Author: Thomas Jones (Thomas Jones)
Why Your Business Needs to Start Using Payroll Software
Whether you’re in the market or not for new payroll software, it’s important to understand that today’s software comes with the latest technology and features that makes your business a better place to work for your employees and your financials more secure. Here are a few features that make having payroll software a must-have solution:...
4 Popular Ways to Invest In Gold
Gold is always preferred by investors as an alternate investment to hedge against market fluctuations and inflation. Whenever there is a decline in the stock market and dollar value decreases, the yellow metal rises in value. Hence Gold is used by investors to diversify their investment portfolio. It is also one of the most liquid...
How to Save Without Noticing?
All too often, we assume that if something sounds too easy, it’s most likely either not very effective or worthwhile. This is often the case in the short term. However, there are many so called ‘easy things’ we can do every day that will reap handsome dividends in the future. We’re so focused on ‘wanting...
Guarantor Loans 101: What Can They Do For You?
For those with a poor credit record, securing a loan can often be an exercise in frustration. Despite there being thousands of banks, high street, and online lenders to choose from, very few are willing to take on those that they perceive as high risk. It’s not only those with a poor credit record that...
3 Hacks for Early Retirement
A hack is a trick or a shortcut that is used to maximize the benefits of a procedure. They are not only an effective problem solver, but they also make the situation simpler and more fruitful. These hacks are used in various ventures in order to make them more productive and retirement is not an...
Money Saving Tips: Buying and Owning your First Car
When you first pass your driving test you’ll probably experience a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from elation to relief. There’s also the trepidation you might feel if you need to buy a new car. Partly this can stem from the fact you know you need to spend more money buying a car and then there’s...
What are the Best Cell Phones for Baby Boomers?
The baby boomers were born in an age when the world was reeling from the shock that was the Second World War. They didn’t really have access to anything remotely resembling a mobile phone. Even now, these people are in their late 60s and still getting used to the dramatic advances in technology that the...
4 Things You Do Every Day That Could Help You Invest
If you’re not familiar with the stock market or trading, it can be overwhelming. This is why many people opt to stay away from it or put their financial investments into the hands of their employer’s 401 K. While this is a perfectly acceptable way to save money for your future, it doesn’t have to...
4 Strategies That Will Earn You a Promotion
Life is all about being promoted. Whether in your personal life or your professional life, you constantly aim at promotion. Being promoted in your professional life is not easy but also not impossible with hard work, dedication and patience by your side. Promotion not only brings a higher pay for you but also brings with...