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Author: Thomas Jones (Thomas Jones)


Most Common Financial Mistakes Made by Millennials

Millennials are considered to be irresponsible and deemed so by boomers. Millennials might have different ways of doing things but that does not make them irresponsible. Yes, they make mistakes but it is just like any other generation who went through a learning curve. Making mistakes is a huge part of the learning process. Here...


Understanding the Initial Coin Offering in Blockchain

With the blockchain buzz reaching a frenzied pitch, investors are scrambling their chips around various options to invest in cryptocurrency. With all this initial craziness, it’s hard to focus on what’s real enough to warrant an investment.  As far as start-ups are concerned, they have a whole new avenue to garner that highly elusive initial...

How to Start Share Trading from Home

How to Start Share Trading from Home

Have you ever used a product or bought from a company so often that your friends told you that you should buy shares in it? Taking their advice might not be a bad idea. After all, the internet, technology, and electronic exchanges have made it a lot easier for all kinds of people to get...


5 Inspirations For Building Your Own Business

Sometimes, you have to take a cue from your personal needs and then build a business around it. Having more than one source of income is not only a necessity but also a smart move. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for ways to minimize your debt or looking to make some extra cash....


Ways to Minimize Your Debt!

Knowing how to manage your finances is one of the most important skills you will need to have. One of the key aspects of it is figuring out how to live debt-free and minimize the debt you already have. Here are some of the ways to minimize your debt. 1. Handling Your Mortgages Most people...


5 Best Health Insurance Companies of 2019

Choosing a health insurance plan is never an easy task. First, you have to find out the reliable companies in your geographical location, study all the plans they have to offer, then finally select one that fulfills your health needs. Once you purchase the right plan, then begin the phase where you pay monthly/quarterly/yearly payment...


Be a Better Van Business Entrepreneur: Tips to Keep You Up and Running

The transportation business is one of the most lucrative trades there is. There are several types of transportation services to choose from. While some may require high capital such as air transport, others such as a moving van business require much less capital. This low entry barrier means you are likely to compete with a...

tax scam

Tips to Avoid Common Tax Scams in the US

The Federal Trade Commission received more than 1.4 million fraud complains from across the nation. All involving, identity theft, loss of money, etc. People lost $1.48 billion to tax scammers in the year 2018. With a 38% rise in tax fraud cases since 2017, this year the number may go up. Are you ready to...

buy car

Things Not to Do When Buying a Car

Are you looking for a new car? How can you cut the high-interest rates on car loans? To get the best deal on your new car, there are a few things that you should never do when you visit a car dealership. You cannot beat the enemy without understanding and knowing what game they are...

happy retirement

4 Rules of Thumb for a Happy Retirement

Are you already thinking about your retirement days? Will you be ready for the tough road ahead? Well. Retirement is not just about savings and investments. It also about making the best out of your twilight years. You have worked your whole life to achieve your goals. And now is the time to be with...