Ever generation has their own stereotype, and Millennials are no different. What is different is the way that we have analyzed Millennials to such a great degree. Wanting to know what makes them tick and how they are going to do when they inherit the world we are leaving behind, their behaviors are very intriguing...
Author: Thomas Jones (Thomas Jones)
6 Ways To Earn A Second Income
If your current role isn’t paying enough, but is otherwise a good or happy position, you don’t need to go racing up the corporate ladder to earn more. Many people supplement their main income with some extra work. There are many ways to approach this, from casual freelance to earning money from your hobbies or...
Why You Should Always Be Prepared For Tough Times!
The secret behind all the successful persons in this world is nothing but failure. They failed, they passed through the darkness of hard times but they never stepped bank. They made the worst situation in their favour and they tasted the glory of success. It was neither easy for them nor for you to walk...
How Can Strategic Planning Help You to Achieve Your Financial Goals?
For those with an eye on savings and investments, it will be interesting to note that the financial markets appear to have weathered the storm created by the Brexit vote. Although this may prove to be a temporary period of calm before the negotiations to leave the EU for real begin in earnest, it is...
7 Consumer Fraud Protection Tips For New College Students
By:John Buzzard, Strategic Technical Fraud Account Executive at CO-OP Financial Services (www.co-opfs.org) This fall, millions of students will take their first big step to adulthood by starting their freshman year of college. That means freedom, responsibility and a crash-course in living away from home. While there’s plenty to enjoy, there’s one area of caution that’s...
How to Use the Internet to Make Some Extra Income
If you are like most people, you probably feel as though the internet has the answer to all of your problems. This is easy to understand as the internet is the first thing you turn to when you need a solution to a particular quandary. This is regardless of whether you are sick, need some...
5 Golden Rules of Finances – Rule to Success!
Planning finances is very important in order to spend the latter and riper years of your life in a stable and comfortable manner. This financial planning needs to come at a time when you are earning and are doing so in a stable way. A stable financial planning is very much required. Here, we discuss...
Entrepreneur 101: How to Stay on Top of Your Finances
For many people, owning your own business is the ultimate dream. When you’re cooped up in an overheated office, staring out at a grey, clouded sky, it’s easy to believe that working for yourself has to be better. With your boss breathing down your neck, and your manager trying to bring your deadlines forward, it...
The Introduction to CFD Trading by XTrade Europe
CFD trading or commodity trading is definitely one of the most popular and the most profitable online trading strategies available these days. Thanks to the Internet and different online trading platforms, people from around the world can easily access the global market and invest in different kinds of assets. Basically, it is all about predicting...
5 Financial Management Tips You Can Follow Today
The financial world may seem like a different planet to you. All the jargon and complicated-looking formulas can make your eyes glaze over whenever the term “finance” is mentioned and it may feel like only MBAs and finance geeks can understand the subject. The fact is, nothing could be further from the truth! While some...