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Author: Thomas Jones (Thomas Jones)

tax ID number information

How Long Will It Take To Receive My Tax ID Number Once I Move?

After starting your new business venture, you may decide to expand into new territories and markets. However, if you are planning on operating in a different state, then you have to make sure that you go through the proper channels to ensure that everything stays legal and valid. One thing you need to figure out...

holiday marketing ideas

Holiday Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

As we enter the official season of holidays, from Halloween to New Years, you and your business might as well take some advantage of this festivity by taking your marketing strategies to a whole new level. There are many ways a small business can celebrate and profit from festivals, and we bring you with an...

turn hobby into career

How to Turn your Hobby into your Career

Most people make their career decisions based on convenience, opportunity, or profit. All of them have justifiable reasons to stay in those jobs that, but it’s not nearly as satisfying as, say, doing a job you truly love. Like many people, you may dream of spending less time at work and more time enjoying your...

grease fire

Common Cooking Mishaps That Destroy House & Home

We’ve all heard stories about how someone nearly killed themselves cooking a Thanksgiving feast. It’s easy to dismiss these people as below you; but a lot of these dangerous mistakes are made by intelligent people every day. These are a few of the most common cooking mishaps that destroy house and home. Grease Fires When...

driving safety tips

X Van Safety Tips Every Business Owner and Driver Should Know

In most companies, business ventures and online markets today, the use of X Vans has proved efficient in the delivery and distribution of goods/services to customers, as well as creating job opportunities for van drivers. The use of X vans also comes with added benefits such as safety of goods distributed and timely delivery. However,...

consumer trust

Tips to Earn Consumer Trust

A successful business largely depends on the levels of trust and integrity built with the customers. When your customers trust you, you’re more likely to earn customer loyalty. Without the company’s cooperation, customers may feel uncertain about their purchases and may opt for a more trustworthy relationship. Building Trust and maintaining it surely takes a...

business expansion

Things to Consider Before Expanding your Business

When you are deciding whether to try a new venture, you need to make sure whether the odds are on your side. We’ve surely read some epic success tales about people who have taken great risks in their lives and overcame all obstacles. When you are opening a new store or launching a new product...


The Art of Productivity

Productivity is the result of five basic mantras- focus, plan, strategy, time and work. Master the art of productivity with the following five basics: (1) Focus: It is often difficult to distance yourself from gadgets, which ironically contributors to productivity. How many times have you thought, but your actions haven’t been mastered by your thoughts?...


When to fight, and When to let go

Sometimes, when we see something wrong happening, we decide to get up and fight for the cause, and sometimes we are stopped and told to ‘reconsider our decision, because it may not be worth it.’ But then we are also told to keep trying, ‘because it may not show results right away, but some day...