Home Career Advice To Ace Your Job Inteview

Advice To Ace Your Job Inteview

Advice To Ace Your Job InteviewAfter you finally landed a job interview after job searching, your next step is to prepare for your job interview. I know of so many people who go into a job interview without preparing at all, and then they wonder why they never receive a phone call from the company after the interview.

Here are my tips to ace your job interview and hopefully get a job interview.

Practice common interview questions.

Have you ever practiced common interview questions? How would you answer “What is your biggest weakness?” If you don’t know how you would answer certain questions, that you should be preparing. If you search “common interview questions” online, then you will come across numerous articles to help you out.

Also, do you know what kind of interview you are going into? Is it a group interview, or will it be just you? Will there be 10 people interviewing you? Or just one?

Arrive on time.

Arrive around 5 to 10 minutes early. Any earlier than that and you may just be bothering the person interviewing you. If you arrive early, then just sit in your car and wait.

NEVER arrive late. Always give yourself extra time to get there even if it means that you will be sitting in your car for 30 minutes.

Bring extra copies of your resume.

You always want to bring extra copies of your resume, no matter what. A few extra pieces of paper in your briefcase will not break you. It’s better to be prepared instead of telling your interviewer that you didn’t bring anything with you. Also, you never know if someone will pop into the meeting at the last second and ask for it so that they can catch up.

Dress correctly.

Whether your job interview is through video or in person, always make sure to dress correctly. Heck, I’ve even heard that dressing professionally during a phone interview is a good idea because you will sound more professional.

Are you not sure what employees wear at the company that you are interviewing at? This is easy, in most industries, you can probably make an educated guess. If you are not comfortable with doing that, then you can always ask someone who works at the company (maybe you know someone who works there), or you could just simply drive up to the business and see what people are walking in and out wearing.

Have a firm handshake.

Your handshake says a lot about you. Practice your handshake if you have to!

What job interview tips do you have?


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