Home Personal Finance 5 Interesting Ways To Make Extra Money In 2015

5 Interesting Ways To Make Extra Money In 2015

5 Interesting Ways To Make Extra Money In 2015Instead of the usual ways to make extra money, I thought I would share today the different ways you can make money that you may not have yet thought about.

Or, maybe you haven’t given it enough thought because you weren’t sure if it was for you.

Below are five interesting ways to make extra money in 2015.

1. Pick up poop.

Haha, maybe it’s the child in me, but I could not type that without laughing. Sorry, if I offended anyone. However, you can make money by doing this.

Someone who has dogs may be interested in hiring someone for this service, but also businesses and places where they need to keep a nice lawn. Not many people want this job so I am sure you won’t have much competition.

2. Sign up for a research study.

The other day I read that NASA is looking for people to do a 70 to 105 day bed study. This is so that they can see the effects on someone who hasn’t moved in so long, as the lack of gravity in space can have the same effect on muscles.

The pay for this study? $18,000 from what I read online!

Research studies usually pay fairly well for the minimal amount of work that needs to be done.

3. Look for odd jobs on Craigslist.

If you are open to it, there are probably many jobs on Craigslist that are available to people like you and me. You might find a job where someone needs a photographer to model for their company, someone who needs someone to take them grocery shopping, or something else along those lines.

There are many jobs on Craigslist, just make sure you do not fall for a scam. Read my post Craigslist Scams and Mistakes To Avoid if you are further interested in this.

4. Cuddle with someone.

Okay, this one probably just made me sound really creepy. There are websites out there where you can be paid to cuddle with someone who wants one. You may even make a few hundred dollars a day if you can find enough people who need some cuddling from you.

5. Rent out your garage.

I actually know of a few people who rent out their garage to others, and I know some people who rent garage from others. People might want to rent someone else’s garage if they need a safe place to store an extra car of theirs, such as a classic car.

This side hustle is nice because there is really no effort on your part needed. If you have extra room, then it is just easy money available for you to make!

How do you plan on making money in 2015? Do you have an extra income goal?


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