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Home Personal Finance 4 Ways To Make Extra Money This Fall

4 Ways To Make Extra Money This Fall

4 Ways To Make Extra Money This FallIf you’re looking to make extra money this fall, there are plenty of ways to do that.

Whether you want to pay off debt, save for a vacation, have money for the holidays, or some other reason, you might want to try one of the four ways to make extra money below:

1. Rake leaves.

With fall comes an insane amount of leaves. Many people don’t like to rake their own, and I know I especially do not. You may be able to make some money by raking the leaves of others. You might want to ask your friends, family, neighbors, or even put up flyers around town so that people can know of your services.

2. Babysit.

This fall, you can try babysitting to make some extra money. Pay can vary, but there are some great websites out there such as that have listings of possible families out there who need babysitters.

Some may need a one-time babysitter, whereas others may be looking for a full-time babysitter or even a live-in nanny. It can vary from job to job, but if you like kids and enjoy watching them, then you should be able to find a babysitting job out there.

3. Apply for a part-time job.

Holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas are just right around the corner. Isn’t that crazy? Because of the holidays quickly approaching, many retailers and other companies are looking for temporary holiday workers to start very soon.

Some places that may be hiring for the holidays include:

  • Stores like Target and Walmart.
  • UPS and Fedex.
  • Haunted Houses.
  • Restaurants.
  • Six Flags and other amusement parks.

4. Get a job at your school.

If you are currently in college, there may be jobs you can apply for to either earn money towards your tuition or to earn money towards receiving a paycheck. These jobs may not pay the greatest, but the work is usually minimal and in many cases you will probably be allowed to do your homework.

I have many friends who had a job at their college and for the most part they said it was very easy and they were always able to complete all of their homework.

Some of the possible jobs you may be able to find include working at your school gym, residential adviser, teacher’s assistant, library aide, cafeteria helper, and more.

Do you plan on making any extra money this fall? Why or why not?


Image via Flickr peddhapati

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