Home Balance Sheets 4 Ways To Save Money Decorating A New Home

4 Ways To Save Money Decorating A New Home

4 Ways To Save Money Decorating A New Home

4 Ways To Save Money Decorating A New HomeWhen buying a new home, or even renting home, one of your biggest expenses may be decorating it. I’ve always heard that if you set a decorating budget, to overestimate it by an extra 25% because there will always be things that you will accidentally forget to budget for.

Decorating a new home doesn’t have to be expensive though. There are many ways for you to save money decorating. Below are four of them:

1. Have a plan.

Before you go out to a store (or multiple stores) and go crazy by buying everything, you should have some sort of plan.

First, you need to think about what you already have. You may be able to reuse what you already have instead of having to buy everything brand new.

Secondly, you should think about how you want each room to look. You don’t want to buy pieces and then hate the look when you bring it altogether. You might even want to create a mock layout or even browse Pinterest boards.

2. Search for free items.

If you look well enough, I bet you could find plenty of free items for you to decorate your home. You can save money decorating your home by searching on Craigslist on their free board, ask friends and family if they have any items they don’t need, and so on.

3. Use discounts.

If you do need to buy something brand new, there are ways for you to still save money decorating. There is definitely no need to pay full price when decorating your home. You can look for coupons by subscribing to email lists for your favorite home decorating stores, asking for discounts (most furniture stores allow their salesmen to negotiate the pricing of furniture and decoration items), and searching mail flyers.

4. Be crafty.

There are many different ways to save money decorating by being more crafty. You may be able to make a table, a nightstand, a bookshelf, a piece of art, and more. My favorite thing to do is to search Ikea hacks online!

Also, paint is your friend. Paint can really change the look of a lot of things. Even the ugliest piece of furniture can be made beautiful because of paint. Painting isn’t that hard either. You just need to be patient, and read directions to learn how to correctly paint something.

How do you try to save money when decorating?


Image via Flickr by lovemaegan

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